Semana Santa - Holy Week Procession

Holy Week is one of the most waited and desired events for catholic people over here, mostly because the holydays and the magnificient processions in all over the country.

The pinnacle of the week is Holy Thursday, when some of the most well-known processions, like Jesús Nazareno de Candelaria, leave their churches very early and move through the city over the course of the night and into the next day.

More wooden carpet pictures here.

The procession is accompanied by many marchers (called Cucuruchos). I guess they were more than 1,000 man taking turns to carry the wooden platform.

The size of the wooden platform in the procession is measured depending of how many men are required to carry it.

Women and children participate as well in the processions, carrying smaller versions of the wooden platforms.

Virgin Mary of Sorrows.

There is also food, local cuisine and drinks for sale in the streets for viewers.

As the procession passed by the streets, its necessary to clean all the mess and junk left by.

More pictures are available at my Flickr Stream.

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