Nikon D3100

Nikon is another brand name for DSLR cameras and guess what? I have bought a new camera: The Nikon D3100.

I have no intention to completely replace my Canon camera. In fact I enjoy use in it and have invested in Canon lenses like the 60mm and the 50mm so Im really happy with it.

This camera has the following specifications: 14 Megapixels, 11 AutoFocus points, Max ISO at 3200 and with HD movie capabilities.

The camera includes the standard 18-55 lens.

This model doesnt use the flipable LCD screen.

A pair of test pictures.

Now you can expect some awesome pictures with this camera.  Are you a Nikon user?

1 comment

bluedrakon said...

I always liked Canon cameras, but is is always to cool to get a new one.

Hope this gives you plenty of wonderful shots :D
