Rio Food

During my stay in Rio I ate a lot of different food. Ahead pictures of the meals and drinks I had.

Something interesting I noticed is that food is served (and charged) by Kilo. I mean by weight. Depending of how much food do you serve in your dish thats the amount of cash you will need to pay for.

In Rio there is Bob´s Burgers. A very popular rapid food chain.

Sushi in my lunch.

A very refreshing drink over here is Guaraná water. Guaraná is the fruit of a maple family plant. The most popular drink is Coca Cola, followed by Guaraná drinks.

Mcdees Time!!

KFC is not far behind. I had the chance to taste KFC served with beans. Not even over here is served like that. Does the same happens with you?

The above picture is a "Dobradinha con Feijao Branco". Basically is chicken and pork meat with white beans.

Usually my dishes cost about 15 - 25 Reals (about US$7 - US$15) plus drinks.

Peach Ice Tea.

Do you feel hungry now?


bluedrakon said...

I don't think I have ever seen Sushi with black beans and rice before.

I am hungry now - time for dinner - YUM!

Phossil said...

Black beans is like National Food in Guatemala. I think that's why I picked them up.
