Make your own light box

A light box is basically a miniature photography studio. Lit from the sides, front, top or any combination, a light box provides even illumination of any subject which can fit inside of it. Boxes like this are perfect for macro and closeup photography.

You can get yours at your local photography store or even at Amazon at incredible prices but in this post I will show you how can you create your own light box home made without spending practically nothing.

First we will need an empty box of a proper size for shooting Figma figures preferly. I used one of the many packing boxes I got from Otacute or Hobby Search.

Remove the sides and top of the box leaving a 2" aprox. margin. You can use scissors or a pen knife taking all precautions. We dont want to lose a finger in the process.

Take some semi-transparent paper and cover the box holes you just made. We can stick a piece of white paper as a background.

Next we will need some lamps. I used 2 desktop mini lamps that I bought at US$10 each.

Finally we have our light box done perfect for figure photography and it's time to test it.

Lights! Camera! and...

Here is a sample picture using the light box. More pictures in the next post.

More links and tutorials for figure photoshoot that you can find usefull available at:


Nopy said...

I made my light box using the same method, but I can't seem to get the background pure white.

Phossil said...

@Nopy: It depends of the paper you are using as background. I suggest a glossy paper ot photographic paper. This kind of paper is a little more reflective.

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