A week in Guatemala #3

With nothing much to say about this week, Im posting a review of interesting things and places I did the last couple of days. Lets begin with the breakfast I had at KFC. I usually dont go out for breakfast but this was something I wanted to so for a long time, also KFC is brand new over here.

I also went to Miraflores mall, had a salad for lunch and went to the movies to watch "Karate Kid" movie.

Some of you already know, but I adquired a new 50mm lens for my DSLR. Here is my new lens with my standar 18-55mm lens. Expect more pictures with my lens arsenal.

I had the opportunity to be in a photography course at work. I must say it was a very basic course but since it was free and I had free time I took it.

Besides me at photography class were a guy with a Canon EOS ELAN II camera. This DSLR model was from back 1992.

Picture I took during photography class featuring new Canon Powershot models.

Got my Touhou Project Set #1. Any happy owner of Touhou Set #2??

Last weekend was a very misty and rainy day over here as you can see in the pic. It was 6:30 am when I took it and I felt like I was in London because of the morning fog. ^^

Finally I went to supermarket to buy strawberries for Drossel. I didnt know why she wanted them so desperately.


bluedrakon said...

never went to KFC for breakfast and not sure they have that here in the US.

Like the shot of the old camera - reminded me of my olde days in college and my Canon AE-1 Programmable

Nopy said...

We've had nothing but rainy days over here too, it's a bit depressing :(
