Anyone with Tumblr?

Maybe its not something new, but recently I have seen how many people has a blog in Tumblr. A lot of good friends in twitter has a blog in tumblr.

I was reading in the site 30 reasons to try out tumblr and I while I was reading I was thinking maybe I need 31 reasons but I will go and try it for myself anyway.

Tell me, do you have a tumblr blog? If you do, what feature likes you the most? Expect in following posts about me entering in the tumblr world. Feel free to leave in a comment your tumblr site. ^_^

As a side note, upper pic is unrelated but I post it because I like fairies.


bluedrakon said...

I can't say I have used it, but may see whats it is all about

Anonymous said...

I don't have one, but one of my good friends does and she has like, 300 followers or something lol. I still prefer using wordpress though since I think it seems a bit more straightforward and organized in comparison. ^^;

Persocom said...

Don't use it either but I know lots of people that do. Might as well check it out if you're interested.

Phossil said...

I have setup an account in it: and giving it a try.
