After checking my blog site stats for this month Im noticing a little low visitors number which I attribute it to the damn vuvuzelas and the FIFA worldcup.
In fact, all this month I was watching almost every single soccer match keeping me away from anime, photography, this blog and commenting and reviewing my favorite feeds.
I've been recycling old posts due to the lack of posts in the blog for this month. I also had started a new blog project aimed to IT support, specifically in Spanish language, but again because of the worldcup I have not had time to publish new posts in that blog either.
I hope I can survive this month. ^^
I haven't seen a single minute of the World Cup. lol I dont even watch TV anymore.
@Seantaku: That must be some kind of record or something. >_<
LOL - my mom called me today to let me know that the US lost in in the World Cup. I didn't even know they were playing I said.
The sport it not as important to us in the US as it is in other parts of the world - sorry MOM!
Awesome use of Touhou image.
I hate that sounds, it seems like a bunch of bees coming to attack you.
I know what you mean, whenever I turn on the TV to see who is playing, I end up watching the entire game. -.-;; This is my first year watching, though.
I've been following the World Cup as well and there were some pretty exciting matches.
I can't wait to see the finals!
Damn those vuvuzelas though.
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