The real Spam

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

The term Spam, in Email and Instant messaging systems, refers to the practice of sending unwanted e-mail messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients.

As incredible as it sounds, the term had a humble origin (wikipedia): The imported canned meat products from UK and a sketch from the BBC sitcom "Monty Python's Flying Circus".

You still can find the real Spam canned products in your favorite supermarket. For me, this will be the first time to try and taste the real Spam box without to worry about deleting anything unwanted from my mailbox.

Have you tasted Spam before?


Lightoss said...

LOL when i read this in twitter i was like lol a spam post... lets see i didnt excpect this!

Nopy said...

I've had spam a few times before, it's not that bad.

Phossil said...

@Lightoss: haha, yeah, Its kind of confussing the title. Lol.

@Nopy: Well, its ok. Its edible. ^^

Fabrice said...

Spam <.< who doesnt love them! :P

Psycho said...

Spam karma 2 is the best for encounter spam for.....wordpress :D.

Reltair said...

Yup, I've had Spam before but I mostly eat some Chinese version of it now.

Persocom said...

I've had it before, but I can't really comment on it now cuz I've been vegetarian for quite some years now. I don't want to know what it's made out of though.

Tier said...

Spam is actually from the United States (Hormel Foods is based in Minnesota). It's one of my favorite foods; spam and eggs and rice is comfort food to me. Back when I was in college, a lot of white guys thought I was weird for liking Spam; it's kinda strange that a product from the upper Midwest of the US seems to be more popular among Asians than white people.

meronpan said...

i just can't understand how anyone can not love spam :P pure salt and animal bits hahahahaha

i think an easy way to make converts is to give 'em a spam musubi (make sure it's a good one with a nice teriyaki glaze) and don't tell 'em what the "meat" is ^_^
