Im making available for download my current blog template.
This would be release 1.0 and has the latest fixes and corrections thatI have found in blogger templates.
I put a lot of effort designing and coding my actual blog template and Im completele satisfied wiht it. My template is actually based in http://paulstamatiou.com/ previous design with an extended footer that I use for affiliate ads.
Im providing my template for readers who may find it useful in the blogger world. Its written in html (with embedded css) and javascript. I have tested it in IE7, IE8 and Firefox browser and looks decent.
Installation is basicly with copy-and-paste the code in the template section but I strongly suggest to make a backup of your template previously.
If you plan to use it and it fits your work, please provide a link back to this site. ^^
The download link:
Features the template has:
* Menu strip link
* Two columns (central and right panel)
* Footer and extended footer
* Related posts script
* Search button and Translate this page script
I would like to hear for addons or improvements you had made to the template.
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