Interesting stuff to do and to buy for this year:
* Increment blog exposure
* Start savings for more anime figurines. ^^
* Buy a DSLR camera. I think Im ready to do this hobby step.
* Learn japanese. I have been procrastinating this resolution for years and is still in my list.
* Buy an Iphone.
* Buy a Wii and replace my gamecube gaming system.
* Get a girlfriend. I know this has been almost impossible to accomplish for someone introverted like me.
As for anime, I pretend to watch the next shows this year since last year I wasnt able to watch a lot of anime shows:
* Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood- Currently Im watching it.
* Aria the animation.
* Hayate no Gotoku!
* K-On. At least I want to finish it because there's room for another season. ^^
* Fullmetal Panic! An anime classic with the Fullmetal name on it, so Im curious.
These resolutions arent in specific order. Have you made your resolutions for 2010?
That's nice resolution ^^
i don't know what a DSLR camera is but i'm sure it's important :p
Wii is a great game plateform but i don't have the time to play with it as much as i want :/
An iPhone is something i would never buy, i hate phones so better buy the simpler mobile phone in the world and use the rest in figures :)
Finding love is hell of a challenge ... i understand you since i miserably fail in that area too.
Good point to watch Aria, it's soooo lovely. (don't forget to watch the 3 seasons ;-) )
Maybe i'll post a resolution list myself on my blog ... maybe :p
@Katsura-chan: Lol. A DSLR is a digital camera, but not a point and shoot digital camera, used for serious photography with all kinds of camera lenses lingo. ;)
That's excellent resolutions. Mainly the buy of a reflex :) because it'll be useful if you buy more figures. You'll provide nice review to us :)
My owns ? I don't like to take them because i always have troubles to keep them but i would say :
Watching a bit more animes and mostly finish all i started and also do a photobook.
I hope you find love;)
Looks like getting a DSLR is a resolution to many fellow otakus out there. Haha. ^^ Getting DSLR is a good choice. Not only for our pretty figurines but also daily memories. =D I realized I take more photos after I got my DSLR, which is good.
Wii is great! You ave got to get Mario series if you ever get your wii. LOL!
hmm... let's see, I've completed half of your listed resolution. XD
Anyway, for DSLR, have you decided which brand you'll get?
Those anime seems classic to me. And i thought i was backlogging to much anime...
Well anyway, good luck with your resolution!!
make that 2 DSLR cameras! one for me too!
DSLR... dont step on the dark side TAT...
Iphone... i want but.. it lack of something tho..~~
Those new year resolutions look like they require quite a bit of spending. Ganbatte!
"Start savings for more anime figurines. ^^" - I recommend being more selective.
"Buy a Wii and replace my gamecube gaming system." - Ur gaming activity will increase dramatically when u do. xD
"K-On." - Put this as ur no. 1 priority on ur list. xD
Good luck with your resolutions!
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