After register to MFC Tsuki-board I decided to do a dust clean to my figure boxes. Here are the 8 figure boxes I own for now. Could you tell, what was my first figure and what is at the moment the most recent?
As you can see, there are still some figma accesories, like extra faces and hands in there. I havent used all and dont have a proper plastic box to place and arrange them.
Since I only own few figures, the boxes dont occupy too much space in my bedroom, so for now Im not thinking in throwing or folding them to save space.
And here is a pic of the back of the boxes. Two nendos and the rest of figmas in my figure collection. ^^
Just wait, soon there will be too many boxes.
No scaled figures? =/
Nice collection you got there. Personally, I like to keep the boxes. I even used to put them at the back of the collection. I liked how they looked as background :P.
Now I still have them but I had to put them somewhere else when I got more figs xD.
for the first second, I thought u ran out and bought urself 8 figures since joining up MFC. xD
I don't dust my boxes. I just store them away and let it be. There's just too many and it will take forever. -_-
I don't trash any boxes and all unused accessories stay quietly in place. So i'm sure to not loose anything and mostly to not mix anything.
Problem is that it take a lot of room.
I have around 30 boxes for now and i have found a nice place for storing them. But 10 more and it will be full :/
I'll have to user my attic to store them after that but i don't like to go there. It's dirty, cold and filled with spider web :/ Spooooky :)
I keep them all because they're pretty of course and also because it's convenient when you need to move them.
I keep all my boxes since I cant bear myself to throw them away or fold them.
A huge part of my bedroom is dedictated to my boxes.
I am still amazed that you have your spending this much under control.I always thought youre beyond good and evil like most of us
@Miette-chan: More comming for this year.
@Reltair: Not yet. Hard for me to decide what would be my first PVC figure. Probably Taiga. Lol
@Khaoz: nice idea to use them as background.
@Optic: dont you fold the boxes?
@Lylibellule: Your collection is quite impressive. ^^
@Katsura-chan: There are sometimes I need to re-read the figure boxes and watch the original pictures.
@Blowfish: I try to keep an average per year but with so many figures out there its very difficult. I would like to buy them all. Lol
I still have a lot of figs still in the boxes.. :o( should I get them out? I think I would probably enjoy them more hahaha.. all the ones I took out of the boxes are boxed up into bigger boxes and take up a storage room..sheesh. lol
I have over 40 boxes in my room. It's actually surprising how many I can keep, they're all either stored in the closet, under the bed, or under my desk.
So far I have kept all my boxes too, but I have a really small collection. Also, since I'm constantly moving between places and have no room to truly call my own, the boxes are important for carrying the figures around.
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