Figma Drossel broken joints

Broken, Figma, Drossel, Joint, Fix

Wha?? already?

Two days have passed since I got delivered my new Drossel Figma and guess what? Her shoulder joints broke. I was even planning a proper figure photo shoot with her. :(

This isn't coincidence, and don't come with me saying what were I doing with her, because I only tried to pose her differently and without to much force her right shoulder joint totally broke.

What? this cant be. Drossel is my sixth figma and the first one for me with broken joints. I have my other figmas intact and they haven't broke yet. So I'm thinking this Drossel Figure didn't passed standard quality tests or its a fake Drossel, which I doubt because I got her in HLJ and I don't think they sell this kind of stuff.

I accept my figmas will eventually broke but not at the second day as my Drossel, especially when I'm very carefully with them.

Searching in the cloud I found that basically Drossel joints are bad designed and this leads for broken arms. After the quick photoshoot I didn't realize that when I did the first pose on Drossel ( her left arm joint was about to fall off and in the first movement.

The final result? both arms are down. I'm thinking in contacting at goodsmile company support mostly for feedback, but I guess they already know this known error, so maybe they can bear with me and give me a solution.

Ways to fixing Drossel (or other figma broken joints):
I found in here, suggestions to buy a replacement joint. Trying probably to drill into her arm/shoulder to reattach the arms.

Another suggestion is to try to glue the joints, but the joint surface is very small to get a good fixation and mobility later.

More pics of another Drossel owner who had the same problem in here.
And another defective Drossel Owner requesting help to remove the inner ball joints in here.
I also found about how to fix Figma Drossel's Stiff Shoulders

I'm really sad but mostly disappointed with my Drossel Figma. I will try to fix her, but I'm not good at handicraft work. Anyone who has some comments for fixing figmas?
I cant believe this kind of things could happen when just opened the box.

UPDATE: Drossel is back from maintenance labs and fully operational with a broken joints repaired and replaced. See here -> for complete repairing process.


Anonymous said...

Another broken figma...
So many figma breakages have happened to mine that I'm no longer surprised by it, I'm just sort of waiting for it to happen.
But never fear, It looks fixable. Similar breakage as my winter Kagami:
You need to get a bunch of the strongest possible superglues and then keep trying all of them until you achieve the best fix! Apparently Selleys is one of the best.
I also think you should contact GSC, you could get it replaced like this person did:
(But theirs broke again... ouch)
Good luck! ^^

Renjishiro said...

Lol, you found my drossel img

Maybe you should email them about this. Make sure you include your invoice too.

I got a replacement after that

Anonymous said...

@thetsundere Really need to find time to fixup my Summer Kagami's joint too.

Another figma joint snap =(
Really wished that they sold replacement figma joints.

Phossil said...

@thetsundere: Thx. I remember the post you did about it. I thought it would be easier to break the ponytails than the shoulder joints.

@Renjishiro: Yeah, after reading your experience Im contacting GSC too.

@Zh3us: HLJ sells replacement joints, but for kits. Dont know for shure if they work on figmas.

Reltair said...

Meh, I just superglue when stuff breaks. Get a replacement if possible I guess? =/

Yi said...

Are figmas really fragile. I seem to have seen a lot of broken figmas.

Anyway, that's really unfortunate. I hope you get this fixed up.

kodomut said...

Should always loosen new figmas with arm exercises before playing around with them.

Posing them right out of the box is suuupppeer risky!

Phossil said...

@Reltair: Yeah, I have seen in other blogs how superglue can fix almost everything, but I dont want to loose movability.

@Yi: Well, maybe Figmas arent too fragile at all, only some parts of them. Apparently joints mostly.

@Kodomut: Tell me about it.
I think thats the proper thing to do. Lesson learned, I guess.

James said...

I'm a figmas hater so you just gave me another reason ...

They are easy to break and considering how well they're selling now , i'm sure the quality is not as good as the firsts figmas ...

Hope you'll be able to get a replacement or repair her :/ as i see it with your pics , one drop of glue and it could be fine no ? Good luck ! :(

Optic said...

Ouch, another one. -_-
If it was a hand joint then it wouldn't be too bad but since it's a arm joint, ur kinda worst off.

Kodomut made a great suggestion there. I do that to all my figmas when I just open them.
I would recommend using super glue but since u don't wanna lose movability I would recommend and purchase another one unless GSC do u a favor and send u a replacement joint even if it cost u a little.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with the same arm juncture as your Drossel. A fabric defect probably.

Phossil said...

@James: suppossedly the joints were redesigned. Anyway, statistically figmas dont usually break so give figmas a chance and dont hate them because of that. ^^

@Optic: Im looking for a workaround, but Im afraid of buying another one an get the same joint problem.

@Lylibellule: I assume this problem is bigger for Drossel second re-stock. Did you fix it?

gltree said...

I also just received Drossel today, and her left arm broke! :( I guess super glue is the only answer, unless you can find a small piece of metal to reinforce it somehow? Good luck with her in the ER!

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