Lunch time with Kagami

Kagami with me at lunch
Kagami and I had a pleasant lunch time together today: Chicken, rice and vegetables. Lemonade for drinking and some tortillas.

"Here is the salt".

"Wish for some pepper?"

What is this?"What is this? Ahh, Its chilli. Do you want some?"

Here is the chilly"Here, let me serve you some. Just to add some spicy to your food".

Kagami were very helpful passing me by the food condiments, although I dont like too much salty and chilly in my food. Tell me, what condients (seasoning) do you like in your foods to taste them better?


Yi said...

Whenever I see photos of figures in restaurants, I always wonder if you get weird looks from other customers.

Anyway, Kagami is so cute in these.

I usually don't add extra condiments in dishes.

Snark said...

As Yi said, did you get any weird looks from customers?

Akira Eshi said...

These figurines idea of restaurant?
I thought it intentionally done by the blog author =)

Phossil said...

@Yi & Snark: Weird looks? Yeah, but I think it was more from the restaurant owner. ^^

@Akira Eshi: I was being random I think.

Blowfish said...

Seems like Im the only one that thought that you made this food yourself and ate it at home ^^;;;

Food cant be spicy enough for me :3

FaS said...

I LOVE the way you take your pics :)

Phossil said...

@Blowfish: Im not a good cooker. Lol

@Fas: Thanks.

hirobot said...

How helpful is she? Can I take her out sometime?
