Giving animoe meishi cards

After giving near 350 animoe name cards in TCG-Con making it a sucess, I still have plenty of them waiting for you!

I have planned to attend more anime conventions and some other interesting events nearby giving my meishi while they last.

Readers who would like to have one of this limited animoe meishi cards, can drop me an email at phossil[replace with you know what]


Optic said...

Can ur overseas readers have one? ;)

Yi said...

If I ever see someone at a convention handing out Konata meishi cards, I'll know who it is. ^ ^

Blowfish said...

Same question as Optic ^^

So 350? Woah! Quite the networjer are you?

Phossil said...

@Optic: Yeah, sure. Give me an address and I'll try to send it.

@Yi: Im an easy spot-able guy. Lol.

@Blowfish: I ended up kind of tired giving the cards.

Yi said...

I'd like to link to your site. Is that OK?

Snark said...

It should be interesting to see the resultant increase in readership.

Blowfish said...

Uh does this mean I can apply for one too or is this a limited offer to optic only? ^^

Phossil said...

@Yi: Yeah, sure. I will add you to my blogroll too.

@Snark: I hope to increase it, at least 1%. Lol.

@Blowfish: anyone can apply, as long as is with good intentions. ^^

Anonymous said...

CAN I HAVE ONE!!!! ^^ i would really want one~~ ^^ konata rox!!

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