I have seen in diferent blogs, the public sleeping (Danny Choo) and Slightly public sleeping (Tokyo Times) both from Japan where people are very exhausted and do a little napping in public.
Well, let me tell you, in a very early morning, I came across with this woman who decided to sleep a few minutes in public before heading to work.
I think sleeping in public areas is the result for a very stressing urban life.
Hmm...sorry, but I reckon it's pretty rude to snap a picture of someone without their consent and then post it online O.o
@Snark: I completely understand you, because I dont like when it happens and I try to gave credit when I know the source but I can asure you I took this pic locally.
I uploaded resized versions of the pic in http://www.flickr.com/photos/45018276@N00/4017439997/ where at the background there is a local bank "Credito Hipotecario Nacional" CHN (in blue and white).
I am guilty of public sleeping on more than one occasion.
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