This is a quick post of my current Windows 7 wallpaper desktop background. She is Subaru Nakajima from Nanoha Strikers show. What do you have as desktop background now?
You can find the original picture and a complete figure review of Subaru Nakajima in Meronpan's blog in here.
I like how Win7 has an option for auto change the picture every certain time and to shuffle all the images if you pick a source folder with all your background images.
Mostly all my desktop wallpapers are high figure quality photos. Do you think Subaru's wallpapers are safe for work?
nice desktop and wallpaper. Some techie I am, I haven't even used Windows 7 much yet
Saber Lily wallpaper here. ^^;
Your wallpaper(s) should be SFW.
That wallpaper should be SFW. There is nothing risque about it.
Anyway, didn't know Win7 had an option of auto changing bg. Comes in handy.
Still hooked up with XP Pro. I have a Win7 laptop I am testing at work however. Win7 does have some cool functionality like you noted with the background.
Most of my backgrounds are Fantasy or Anime artwork.
Should be SFW, but we know how people are - blah!
Nothing offensive and/or pornographic so yes, it's very safe. :)
I'm not upgrading Win7 from XP, I'm buying a new laptop for Win7. Besides, I'm due to get one and this is the right time as Win7 is officially released.
@Jamaipanese: Win7 official release day is 22th october.
@Reltair: I have some Saber wallpapers too. ^^
@Yi: Sometimes when I do presentations from work I do a quick background switch to something more formal.
@Bluedrakon: Saber, Fate, Nanoha, Teana and Subaru is in my wallpaper list. ;)
@Optic: I think its much better to buy a laptop with Win7 installed and avoid to buy an upgrade from Vista.
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