Do you remember Microsoft Exchange 5.0? Well if you didnt know about it or this is the first time you hear of it, prior Microsoft Office Outlook 97, people used Exchange 5.0 as e-mailing and contact application.
I found at work, this very, very old course manual book about to be dumped in the trash. I save it to view a little about the software history and to see what has changed since then.
Interesting to see how this program was enough back in those days. Very simple if you compare it now. I never used Exchange 5.0. In fact, My first mailing application that I used was Outlook 2003 in my first job.
What was your first e-mail application?
Didn't really use e-mail clients until I first used Mozilla Thunderbird. =D
Mozilla Thunderbird was the way to go using it at work before they migrated to exchange. Now I'm forced to use Outlook 07 which in opinion is still slow and troublesome. -_-
@Reltair: Havent used Thunderbird but I heard is very good.
@Optic: I use Outlook 07 now at work but still dont get used to it entirely.
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