Yesterday was the
Software Freedom Day (SFD) 2009 in Guatemala. For the event arrived almost 35 people and I was one of them. This is my first time in a Linux event.
The keypoints in SFD 2009 were:
* What is Linux and Free Software.
* Free Software is not equal to Open Source Software - Im not entirely agree with this point mostly because all depends.
* Presentation of
ubuntu local group,
cafe libre and projects.
* Linux distributions
* and some demostrations of free software applications for personal use.

The entrance for the event was free but you had to buy food due the SFD was held in a restaurant. I ordered a classic breakfast called "Desayuno Chapin" - eggs, beans and fried platano with orange juice.

Everyone in the event got some Mandriva Linux stickers. I think I will use some of them in my note book.

Another freebie from the event: Suse Enterprise ver. 10. I didnt got one because the organizators only had 5 of them, but I took a pic of it.
I thought Service Packs were a thing only for Microsoft software and I've never seen it over a Linux distribution. Looking in the cloud, I found that
Suse is actually on version 11.
Linux ftw! I currently use Slackware and CentOS. ^^;
Im more a fedora fan, but will give another try to ubuntu.
never try linux before~~~ donno a THING bout software TT___TT.. [envy]
Nice pictures, nice post.
You are welcome to our events, the next will be Ubuntu Party, October 31
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