A couple of weeks ago, I migrated to Windows 7 for Pre-launch day, and let me tell you, since then my Win7 experience has been superceeded. I was an XP power user and then used Vista in work but I only had Vista for 4 bare months until I decided to do a clean install of 7.
Now, comparing Vista with Windows 7 I better stick with 7 and forget about Vista. I think Vista will be considered exactly the same way like the Millenium Version was considered.
But not all is a bed of roses. I have seen some screenshots of what could be the blue screen of death or some other log on failures, so Win7 its not invulnerable nor perfect.
Things that I like about 7:
* the windows shake effect and the snap thing that lets you compare 2 windows.
* the new taskbar. I think I prefer just view the icons that reading the program name. Also now can be more organized programs at the same time.
* the Windows interface. I consider XP a totally hit for Microsoft history and Win7 design is very good.
* Win7 requirements are not exaggerated compared with Vista.
* Power user, hibernation and consumption for laptops works better in Win7 than in Vista.
Things I dont totally like from Win7:
* When running messenger there are more than just one thumbnail preview.
* Also the same with IE8. I have only one program running with various tabs so there is a thumbnail preview for every tab. Well, I use Mozilla Firefox more often.
* When copy more than one folder, there are multiple copy dialog boxes. I think I like the only one integrated copy dialog box in Panther.
* The new notification area has a fixed number of visible icons.
At home I still have XP, but I consider in change to Win7 in a couple of months. How has been your Win7 experience? What do you like more, XP, Vista, Win7?
Now I think I will setup a proper wallpaper for my otaku taste.
Windows 7 es el windows vista que tuvo que haber sido.
Ahora definitivamente me quedo con Windows 7 encencido y apagado rápido, mejor distribución del consumo de memoria, administrar fotografías es lo más fácil y sencillo.
Windows 7 es lo mejor que ha sacado Microsoft
From my experiences of using all 3, I prefer Windows 7. Vista is simply too bloated and Windows 7 tones down a lot in those areas while still having a rich UI that surpasses Windows XP's UI.
Windows 7 is not that resource hungry compared to vista. It will run decently in a 512mb ram. Vista really sucks when you'll compare it to XP and 7.
@Jonathan: Microsoft ha tenido una larga historia. Los sistemas que han sacado y que me han gustado son Win98 SE, XP y Win7.
@Reltair: My concern now its with PC games. I havent installed a good one yet in Win7.
@Quick Star: I dont know what were they thinking when releasing Vista.
"* Win7 requirements are not exaggerated compared with Vista." <-- i LOLed, nice comments. I remembered my lecturer said about Vista needed at least 2 GB of RAM to get it work without any lags.
I just got an account in MSDN AA and I'm now able to download a legal copy of Win7 for free! But still thinking about it... Is it worth to spend more time to reinstall everything?
It seems I should've waited a month before buying my laptop, so I don't have to go through the process of transferring files and upgrading to Windows 7.
DannyChoo (usuario MAC) comentaba hace tiempo en su site Windows es basicamente lo mismo desde Windows 95 solo le cambian la pantalla, le agregan nuevos colores y efectos. Yo me quedo con Linux mi desktop tiene OpenSuSE y mi laptop viene con Ubuntu. No he tenido problemas con ellos. XP lo ocupo porque en el trabajo hay que usarlo y Vista solo lo tocaba cuando iba a la casa de un amigo cuando tenia problemas en su laptop pero al final siempre terminaba reinstalándolo.
Por el momento no tengo intención-interes en Windows 7.
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