I know many people started their blogs in the cloud just for fun, as a time killer or due to someone who inspired you to do it.
For me, I started to blog as a way to practice my English, but the person who really inspired me to blog and introduced me into anime blogging was Jeff Lawson. He initially had Betsu ni and Nowhere anime blog, now offline the cloud, and was after seeing his blogs I decided to fully get into blogging.
As for today, Jeff has Hop Step Jump and Winter Garden blogs, both on hiatus. I dont know the exact reasons why Jeff stopped blogging, but I still consider his blogs as good and successfull ones.
Who inspired you to blog?? I guess some of my readers were inspired by Danny Choo. After seeing DC, I felt motivated into figure and photography hobbie. I found DC website and Gordonator's blog afterwards Jeff blog and since then, its all history.
I guess no one specific really influenced me to start blogging. I had started doing it about6 years ago back when i was on MySpace. They had a blog option and so I figured I'd give it a shot. I basically just wrote blogs to vent and make my friends laugh. Then I moved on to Facebook and started doing the same thing on there. Not too long ago several friends suggested maybe creating my own blog that would reach an audience other than my MySpace/Facebook friends. So I did!
I was influenced by scott of Tea Shop Beloved. [He too has been in hiatus...]
We were in the same MySpace group back in '06 where we talked anime. From there, I branched out to wordpress [because that's where he blogged] and where I continue to blog. Of course, my post won't ever be as good has his were! ^_^'
@Seantaku: thanks for having your blog and facebook sites running.
@53rg10: I think Every blog is unique and succesfull in its own way.
Can't really pinpoint someone who inspired me, but I started blogging after going through various anime blogs and thinking to myself, "Bah! There's so fucking many gushing fanboys! The internets needs some cynicism!" and so decided to blog in my usual sarcastic cynicism -_-
Here's the funny thing: this person started my whole blogging fracas! (It doesn't help that he was my senior in the same campus.)
Probably the first person that got me started to anime are the 1st-generation Singapore anime bloggers: they're still well and alive now. (Now, if I were to mention which ones, I think I'd end up getting bad reps from them.)
A few of my religious following are as follows:
-Sea Slugs Team
@Snark: True. Internets needs some cynicism and you do some community service to us. lol.
@TP: haha, will need to check your followers. ^^
It all started when AaroNINJApan started his blog of his trip to Japan to work ^_^ Then I followed him on the world of blogging and decided to write personal and design stuff. ^_^
I started blogging just to mess around with Wordpress to learn more about it. Around the same time, I saw dannychoo and got into figures. ^^
Heisei Democracy is what inspired me to blog. Though I started only with merchandise purchases and then started involving anime eps as a way to get the blog flowing. Of course it was Danny Choo who inspired me to go into web development as a career.
I had been playing around with blogging by myself for some time. Was a bit inspired by Heisei Democracy, but other than that, it simply started as a locus for me to organise information mostly for myself. An off-the-cuff comment from a university lecturer locked me into a more permanent blogging habit.
My blogging career was not inspired by who. "It" would be a better word.
It all started with Claymore. I was addicted to that series and Ascaloth and tj_han introduced the blogging world to me. Though they're the ones who taught me what blogging is about, it's my love for Claymore and anime that spurred me to blog. Due to a shift of priorities now, my love for anime is no longer enough and blogging became a leisure weekend hobby, just to reduce work stress. XD
@Robostrike: Were you interested in a trip to Japan?
@Reltair: You started with wordpress? Nice you didnt start with MSN live blogs.
@Adun: Web developers are highly demanded in the market.
@Icie: Do you do one post per day?? I found it difficult to do.
@Hynavian: I have only seen some reviews of Claymore. Its in my watch list.
The inspiration came from reading and seeing how fun it is to blog. A few eg. includes Tea Shop Beloved, Moe Moe Rabu and Koi Aichaku.
Being a part of DC community as another inspiration as well.
I'm not sure who inspired me to start blogging. Probably my guts.
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