Lol, another quick post (and I know I shouldnt been doing this). I've been watching Strike Witches and I wouldnt thought that even in anime shows would be figure collectors.
For how long has been figure collecting a big hit and success? I guess Im realizing now that I have entered into this world. ^^
Have you seen another anime show where figures appears?
Zettai Karen Children has a weirdo scientist with a figure fetish.
And unsurprisingly, Genshiken has a whole lot of figures too
Yeah Genshiken has a lot of figures.
It's so awesome yet bizarre to see anime characters doing things such as reading manga, collecting figures, and even watching anime.
Konata in Lucky Star watching Haruhi Suzumiya which is animated by Kyoto Animation which also animates Lucky Star?!
But what? How? lol. Doesn't make sense but it's still awesome.
@Snark: not entirely wierdo. Lol
@Seantaku: Oh, you are right! Konata likes to play videogames and is an avid manga collector. ^^
In Hunter X Hunter, one of Killua's brother (a fat one who does mainly on electronics/robotic stuff) has a shelf of figures too, but I think I only saw that in the manga version.
I've watched Chaos Head, and the main character, who was an otaku, had a rack full of figures.
I guess figures in anime don't really look cool. It's just another anime art in anime world. It's pretty much just like a scaled down version of anime character.
I need to watch Strike Witches too! I think it aired right after I finished watching Sky Girls so I had enough of that for a while.
Everyone before me named all the series I can think of at this instant. Lucky Star, Genshiken, and Chaos;head.
ChäoS;HEAd was one I could remember from the top of my head.
I'm pretty sure there's others.... oh wait, Lucky Star? LOL
Welcome to The NHK features figures aswell!
I cant remember that Strike Witches scene ^^
Oh and I recently discovered a Queens Blade Figure Refernce in the old Hayate no Gotoku season
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