40 years ago, the eagle has landed and the first men: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, walked on the surface of the Moon.
I consider this historycal event very important for humankind. Now there have been some theories around about the Apollo landing mission being fake. The most intriguing and curious for me are:
* No stars in a single picture.
* All pictures are perfectly good taken - with no camera shake at all and with good composite.
* Dual source of light in some pics.
Now, I dont consider that man hasnt walked on the moon. Im just stating that maybe we did but probably not 40 years ago.
Anyway, this post is dedicated to all the men (scientists, engineers, astronauts) who made that possible.
I hope NASA re-gain its interest in next moon missions and in mars in the years to come.
I've heard that theories before, in Mythbuster. The myth is: most of the video of walking on the moon is fake.
That walking on the moon scene is just a human in space suit, jumping normally and but the video is played in slow motion, so they look like they were jumping in low gravity space.
Personally, I doubt it was faked. The US and the Russians were in a bitter space race at the time, after the landing, the video would have been heavily scrutinized by the Russians for even the slightest hint of fraud, as it would be, they never found any.
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