Saw Transformers 2 - Revenge of the fallen yesterday with my brother.
And it came into my mind: Autobots surely has the first law of robotics stated by Isaac Asimov: "A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm".
Now the opposite happens with the Decepticons, but with both kind of transformers the same law dont apply when destroying buildings, bridges, towers and historycal Earth places.

Well, Transformers are from outer space, so dont expect they follow all the rules.
In the other hand, Megan Fox was fantastic!
I watching it with my bro tonight. Can't f*#ken wait. ^^
Awesome movie, i can't really watch it in the cinema because of my MIA status.
Did you guys notice my hidden coment in the end of the post?
@Sonic_ver2: There are other ways to watch it.
Yes, saw the comment. Though shouldn't it be 'on the other hand' rather then 'in the other hand' ? :p
It was really noisy, but a fun movie ! Can't wait to watch it again on blu-ray !
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