The anime that started all...
In my opinion, Rozen Maiden was the first anime show that started the Anime Figure revolution, more specifically the Figma Industry.
After seeing Shinku, Hinaichigo and Suiseiseki in the show and realize they are dolls who are alive and can move, I tend to think that idea was the spark that started all this particular anime figures process and my figma fascination to me and probably my anime figure collecting beginnings as well.
Who knows? maybe Rozen Maiden also opened the doors to Dollfie lovers. ^^
I wonder if Figma sculptors and creators saw Rozen Maiden and were inspired by the show?
hmm, I don't think I started collecting figures until post-watching Rozen Maiden. Perhaps there was some subliminal messages in it XD It did help me accept joints that's for sure.
Hmm, never actually saw Rozen Maiden. How was it related to figures?
@Persocom: I neither started figure collecting because Rozen Maiden, but was in there the first time I saw joints in anime.
@Snark: Practically all the characters are dolls... (cute ones). >_<
Very interesting. Never thought about it like that. Could very well be.
I love the Lucky Star picture you added. I've never seen that one before.
If anything...Rozen Maiden increased my fear of [porcelain] dolls...and dolls with joints. >_>
But as I continued to watch the series, I got used to it and now I wouldn't mind having a replica Suisei Seki doll! ;)
No dollfies though...don't like those things...
@Seantaku: Source of the image: Moe.imouto
@53rg10: My favorite in RM are Suiseiseki and Shinku.
There are some dollfies very creepy though..
Wha? They're dolls? O.o
I don't know enough about the figure industry to provide an insightful comment on this xD. But maybe it did influence figma.
My interest in figurse indirectly started when I was 9-11 years old, before Rozen Maiden was aired ^^;
Rozen Maiden influenced u in figmas!? Interesting. ^^
Rozen Maiden is one of my favourite series of all time but it wasn't the starting point for me in figure collecting or figma. I don't recall what really triggered that moment in the love of figures.
@Snark: Magic dolls to be more precise.
@thecococafe: Im not an expert but thats what I feel.
@Optic: Not entirely influenced. I was decided to buy an anime figure before, but after RM I started to hear about figmas.
I guess RM dolls are closer to Dollfie with gothic style.
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