This is it! If you were wonder how is my new job and the place were I am, I decided to share a picture of my 1/3 cubicle assigned.
Barely you can notice how big the course manuals are (and that I need to read in order to give the training).
A better picture with Kagami
I kind of miss my old cubicle. See how different it was? Well, Im back to a windowless cubicle.
congratulations poligono,
They let you bring Kagami to work?
@Nopy: They dont seem to bother and I hope they dont bother..
Fuck that's a smallass cube >_>
So, you gonna otaku it up? Or are you just sticking to Kagami?
@Snark: Oh yeah, I will add my figures very soon :P
Sweet~! Now just need some figure and anime decoration... lol xD
@Kazearashi: A dakimakura perhaps? lol.
hey that's a 8408D+ digital phone u have on your desk. it's a very old model. ^^;
@Gordon: I dont see the digital on the phone. ^^ Incredible is still functional.
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