Looking for a new job

Certainly, having a job as a penguin is difficult and has its stress limits.

Recently I've started to look for a new job. I think I desperatly need a job change. Dont get me wrong, because I like my current job but due to certain circunstances I decided to fix my resumé with my latest activities and experiences and to quit my job.

When I was reviewing my resumé, I realized how good is to have your resumé in several language versions. Let me explain: first in your mother native language and other copies traslated in your second language (English, Japanese, Thai.. etc). I think its a good thing because there can be good job opportunitties or offerings and you could submit your resumé in an appropiate language for consideration.

Also I dont think its necessary to oversay to much in your resumé. I mean, You dont have to lie about your experience, or at least not too much, because eventually, everything will be known. If I have to say, I have lied a little bit in my previous resumés. ^^

By the moment, I have sent my resume to some interesting companies always in the IT field and I had started with the usually long- inteviewing process.


Israfel said...

Well if you wanted a job opening that molds ea my tastes, are never good but it does at least make the attempt, but I settled for the moment that I have which is no big deal but I can help with living at home.

Snark said...

New horizons eh? Well, good luck buddy!

Hynavian said...

True, never lie regarding the job experience. I keep my resume short with 2 sides (maximum) as the HR people tend to get impatient if it's anything more than that...that's what I feel though.

And good luck with your job hunt, hope to hear good news from you soon. (:

Phossil said...

@Israfel: thx for your comment. I was thinking that you can post your comments in spanish if you wish. ^^

@Snark: I think I will need tons of luck to find my dream job. XD

@Hynavian: My resume had 5 pages but now has only 2, keeping only the key points.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I understand your pain in finding a job. I usually keep my resume short (1 page long) with a nice cover letter to go with it. I wish I was in the IT industry. The Finance industry sucks!

Blowfish said...

Resume in several languages?
Okay,this might come handy in certain business sectors but mine isnt one of those^^

Good Luck with the Job hunt

Anonymous said...

I wish you luck! :D

Phossil said...

@rangerroh: Do you think a cover letter works? Im not sure about that.

@Blowfish: haha, I guess Im trying to cause a good impression in the interview. ^^

@Coco the bean: Thx. Im curious, Do you have a resumé?

Persocom said...

good luck, hope you nail an awesome new job!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

The one thing I would note is that while translated versions are good to have, only have translations to languages you are going to work in. I've seen people get hired for jobs only to ultimately not last past probation because they were not really fluent in a language needed for the job.

Mo5Fest said...

wish you luck, bro. I do understand that changing to a new job is a pain.

Phossil said...

@Persocom: I would like to work for Amazon and Microsoft like DannyChoo. ^^

@moritheil: You are right. I didnt thought about that and you have a good point.

@ǝsɐqoʎɹ: I think Its as difficult to start a new job as to finish in it and change to a new one.

Anonymous said...

@phossil - Only one that I threw together late one night for a project. orz I think I will write a real one soon in case I want to find a summer job.

Optic said...

As long as ur resume is in English then u satisfy the necessary language requirements. ^^

I wish u the best of luck. During these tough economical times, companies wanna find ways to keep their existing employees than hire new ones but there's always a few out there who are seeking ppl like u as well.
