As this new year started, I decided to do some file cleaning in my computer of all those archives that at some point looked so important at some time but as for these days they seem so irrelevant to me that i dont want to know anything about them.
I plan to have a less and simple life with my files in the computer. You would be amazed of how much icons, documents, etc. did i have in my PC desktop and in my documents folder.
I dont know why or how, but I just had too much crap, for lack of a better word. And I think im not alone in here, i mean, you get a file (some installer or something) and you think at that moment, this is going to be useful sooner or later but when time passes by you only think: maybe im going to use it some day or some friend of mine would ask me about this file.
But for now, i realized how much do i need those unneeded files (a lot of them where trials) so they went directly to the recycle bin. I have more space in my HD for now.
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