The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: An exceptional anime serie for this review. Although some people recomends to watch it in a specific episode order i saw it as it was broadcasted leaving the very first episode as the end and i like it a lot.
I completely enjoyed this show. It is so funny to see the life thru Kyon's point of view and thoughts about Haruhi. I liked all the characters from the serie, specially Nagato and Asahina-chan. The friendship between the characters are very good and outstanding (also the character designs). There are rumors about a second season and i cant wait to see it.
Fullmetal Alchemist: An excelent anime with a totally good plot in a parallel world ruled by alchemy. I liked because it has good episodes with good learning facts about life and desires. I mean, you should care about your wishes before they come true. I was completely attached to the screen watching this sticky anime serie and i totally recomend it as a new anime classic. A must see for everyone.
I found the "Equivalent exchange" rule as a perfect theme and philosophy for the show. I think that was exactly what i love from the show as well the magic presented from alchemy and the transmutation circles.
Fullmetal Alchemist, Conqueror of Shambala: Great movie for a great show. I like it a lot, specially because it is the perfect ending for the serie. The movie explains a lot of things from the show so you should watch the series before. I consider FMA as one of the top 10 best anime for all times.
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