
A few days ago, i made a phone call to one of my friends and in the chat i ask him about the little business that He and some other of my friends started toghether about three months ago. He share with me a little bit about his experience with their little business. He said to me: "We are broke! We cant stand anymore the local. We had too many expensives and to few income. So we will close it when february ends".

It was a very nice and cool mini-restaurant but i didnt had the chance to view it at all or to visit it to order a meal or some diner. However i did see the great amount of effort my friends took to start it.

"The hardest thing in a business its not to start it,
its to keeping it open".


Científica loca said...

Pho, solo queria despedirme de ti. Me marcho a la big city en apenas unas horas. Un besazo enorme...


Phossil said...

Buen Viaje Moni y que disfrutes de esos dias..

