Techno kids

Kids are the future for the world and modern educational systems involve the use of computers at early stages of kids age.  For the little citizens it is better to learn by playing games. They adquire skills like concentration, team work and friendship.

Over here, school days are from Febrary to October and during the school holidays some schools offer activities for the young minds.

I had the opportunity to go and take photos to a class where were children from 12 to 8 years old and they were playing with some Lego like building blocks called Knex and with some little servo motors for learning.

She looks like is debuging some code or something. Concentration at full! -lol.

Here are the knex parts before starting today's porject.

Hands at work kids!!

With the help of a tutor and diagrams there are many activities to do.

The final result was a full operating crane machine. Here is only the base.

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